[ docketing ]
June 11 1849
Robert C. Schenck to Abraham Lincoln, [11 June 1849]1
I have put myself you see into a familiar friendly letter–2 Use it without any reserve, if it can serve you, as I hope it will, by showing what an Ohio man thinks of your appointment–3
S.I will mention you the same way to-day in a letter to Corwin
1Robert C. Schenck wrote and signed this note.
Schenck does not date his missive, but someone, presumably from the Library of Congress, wrote “June 11 1849” in pencil at the top of the note.
2No letter was found enclosed within this letter. On June 3, 1849, Abraham Lincoln sent Schenck a letter requesting a letter in support of his candidacy for commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office. Originally, Justin H. Butterfield, James L. D. Morrison, and Cyrus Edwards were vying to become commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office. Lincoln entered the competition after learning that Butterfield was favored over Morrison and Edwards. See the General Land Office Affair.
3Ultimately, neither Morrison, Edwards, nor Lincoln received the appointment; the job went to Butterfield instead. See the General Land Office Affair.

Autograph Document Initialed, 1 page(s), Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress (Washington, DC).