Sec.[Section] 1st Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois represented in the general Assembly, That So much of the act approved January the 7th1 1833, to establish a state roade from Hillsboro in Montgomery county to alton in Madison County and autherized David Roach and Thomas G Hawley of Madison County to View and Locate said road above named be and the same is hereby repealed,
Sec. 2. be it further enacted that Samuel Voiles and Nimrod Dorsey of Madison County be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to act in conjunction with David Starr of Montgomery county, and that the said commissioners are to meet in Hillsboro on or before the first monday in may next: and after having taken the path required in the act to which this is an amendment, they shall proced to locate Said road in every respect as is prescribed in the above named act” this act, to take effect from and after its pasage
[ certification ]
David Prickett
Passed H R Decr 23. 1834
D. Prickett clk[clerk] H. R.

<Page 2>
[ docketing ]
H. R.
A Bill for an act “for to amend an act to establish a state road, from Hillsboro to Alton
[ docketing ]
David Prickett
to be Enrolled
Clk. H. R.
[ docketing ]
1“17” changed to “7”

Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 32, HB 40, GA Session: 9-1, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,