A Bill for
An act to amend an act entitled “an act regulating the times of holding the Supreme and circuit courts, and fixing the salary of the circuit Judges approved Feb.[February] 13 1835
An act to amend an act entitled “an act regulating the times of holding the Supreme and circuit courts, and fixing the salary of the circuit Judges approved Feb.[February] 13 1835
Sec.[Section] 1 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois represented in the General assembly That the terms of holding the circuit courts in the County of White shall commence on the third Mondays in March and September and continue to be held
from day to day, sundays excepted until the business shall be disposed of, unless
it sh[all] be necessary to close the term to enable the Judge to attend in the next county to
hold Court, any thing in the act to which this is an amendment to the contrary notwithstanding
Sec. 2 All process suits and recognizances which have been or may be issued or entered into and made returnable or continued
to said Courts as at present arranged or to any special term thereof, shall be taken and considered
to be returnable to the terms fixed by this act and shall be as valid as if made returnable
to the Terms fixed by this act
Sec. 3 This act to be in place from and after its passage
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An act to amend an act entitled “an act regulating the times of holding the Supreme and circuit courts and fixing the salary of the Circuit Judges,” approved Feb. 13 1835
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1This select committee in the Senate consisted of members representing each of the six judicial circuits in Illinois at the time: Job Fletcher Sr. from the First Judicial Circuit; Benjamin Bond from the Second; John S. Hacker from the Third; , William H. Davidson from the Fourth, George W. P. Maxwell from the Fifth, and James M. Strode from the Sixth.
Senate Journal. 1835. 9th G. A., 2nd sess., 48.
Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 14, HB 14, GA Session: 9-2,
Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL),