Sec[Section] 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois represented in the General [Assembly]; That the towns of Upper Alton, in Madison county and Charleston in Coles County be and the same are hereby declared points through which the Road mentioned in first section of the act to which ^this^ is an amendment, shall be made to pass
[ certification ]
Passed the Senate Jany 14th 1837
W G Flood for J B Thomas Jr.
Sec[Secretary] Senate

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No 22
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A Bill entitled An act to amend ‘An act to Incorporate the Alton and Wabash Rail Road Company”
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[ docketing ]
[ docketing ]
Bill & amts[amendments] Laid on table
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Amts concd[concurred] in.
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[ docketing ]
To be Enrolled as amended

Handwritten Document, 4 page(s), Folder 330, SB 68, GA Session 10-1, Illinois State Archives (Springfield)