Abraham Lincoln to the People of Sangamon County, 9 March 1832 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Promissory Note of Nelson Alley and Abraham Lincoln to James D. Henry, 30 October 1832 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to James Semple, [9 December 1834] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill to Authorize Samuel Musick to Build a Toll Bridge across Salt Creek in Sangamon County, [15 December 1834] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill to Authorize Samuel Musick to Build a Toll Bridge across Salt Creek in Sangamon County, 20 December 1834 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Statement of Thomas Epperson regarding Sangamon River Navigation, [1837] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill for an Act Supplemental to An Act Incorporating the Beardstown and Sangamon Canal Company, [1 March 1839] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Report of Speech to Northwestern River and Harbor Convention, 6 July 1847 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Joint Resolution of Illinois General Assembly to Abraham Lincoln, 19 February 1849 (Congressional Digital Edition)