Montgomery County Circuit Court

City: Hillsboro

County: Montgomery

State: Illinois

In 1821, the Illinois General Assembly assigned Montgomery County to the state's First Judicial Circuit. In 1823, the General Assembly moved the county to the Third Judicial Circuit, then, in 1825, it moved it to the Second Judicial Circuit. The county remained in the Second Judicial District until 1853, when the General Assembly shifted it to the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit. In 1857 the General Assembly moved it yet again—this time to the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit.

“An Act Changing the Terms of the Circuit Courts and Altering the Circuits,” 14 February 1821, Laws of Illinois (1821), 157; “An Act to Regulate the Terms of the Circuit Courts, and for Other Purposes,” 17 February 1823, Laws of Illinois (1823), 161; "An Act Supplemental to an Act, Entitled 'An Act Regulating and Establishing the Supreme and Circuit Courts of this State,'" 17 January 1825, Laws of Illinois (1825), 171; "An Act to Establish the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, and to Fix the Time of Holding Courts in Said Circuit," 12 February 1853, General Laws of Illinois (1853), 61; "An Act to Establish the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit," 11 February 1857, Public Laws of Illinois (1857), 14.