Conyers, Bartlet

Born: 1798-04-14 Kentucky

Died: 1887-07-14 Menard County, Illinois

Flourished: 1833-1834 Menard County, Illinois

In 1819, Conyers married Dorcas Williams, with whom he had eleven children. By 1829, Conyers and his family were living in Sangamon County, Illinois, Conyers having established a farm in what would become western Menard County, very close to Newmansville on the Menard-Cass County border. In the special election for Congress in 1834, Conyers voted in the New Salem Precinct. In 1850, Conyers owned real estate valued at $3,000. In 1860, he owned real estate valued at $8,600 and had a personal estate of $1,670. Conyers and his wife Dorcas were Methodists; the Newmansville Methodist-Episcopal Society held its first meetings at the Convyers' cabin.

Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Menard County, 68:56, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; The History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois (Chicago: O. L. Baskin, 1879), 286; Election Returns for the New Salem Precinct in Sangamon County, Illinois; Gravestone, Newmansville Cemetery, Newmansville, IL; William Henry Perrin, ed., History of Cass County, Illinois (Chicago: O. L. Baskin, 1882), 164, 181; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Menard County, IL, 323; U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census of the United States (1860), Menard County, IL, 48; U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, 1819, Tennessee (Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2004).