Ward, Jay N.

Born: 1815-10-21 Connecticut

Died: 1893-05-17

Ward married Martha P. Tompkins on March 21, 1844, in McLean County, Illinois, and they resided in Bloomington. In 1850, when Bloomington was incorporated as a city, Ward was one of the first aldermen. In 1860, Ward was a merchant living in Bloomington with his wife and six children. The couple owned $8,800 in real property, with a personal estate of $400.

Gravestone, Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Bloomington, IL; Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, McLean County, 21 March 1844, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), McLean County, IL, 18; U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census of the United States (1860), Ward 1, Bloomington, McLean County, IL, 130; The History of McLean County, Illinois (Chicago: Wm. Le Baron, Jr., 1879), 348.