Sec.[Section] 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois Represented in the General Assembly That Henry Mc Henry[,] Solomon Penny and Isham Penny ^Revis^ be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to view, mark, and locate a state road from Beardstown in Cass County, thence as near as the ground will permit, by way of the Town of Richmond, and Robinsons Mill to Petersburg in Sangamon County
Sec. 2. Said Commissioners or a majority of them shall meet at Beardstown on the first Monday in September next, or on any other day which they may agree upon, within six months from the passage of this act, and after being duly sworn by some Justice of the Peace, faithfully to perform the duties herein required, shall proceed to view, mark, and locate said road as above described, avoiding as much as the Public interest will permit, the injury of private property.
Sec. 3. Said Commissioners shall make out a complete map and report of the location of so much of said road as lies in the County of Cass, and file the same with the Clerk of the County Commissioners Court of the said County of Cass. And a like map and report of so much, as lies in the County of Sangamon and file the same with the Clerk of the County Commissioners Court of said County of Sangamon

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Sec. 4. Said road shall be and remain a State road, and shall be opened and kept in repair as other State roads are
Sec. 5. The County Commissioners Courts of the said Counties of Cass, and Sangamon shall allow said Commissioners such compensation as they may deem reasonable.
[ certification ]
Passed the H R. July 14th 1837
William G Flood, for
D Prickett Clk[Clerk] H R

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H. R.
A Bill for an act to establish a State Road from Beardstown in Cass County to Petersburg in Sangamon County
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To be enrolled
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Handwritten Document, 4 page(s), Folder 15, HB 15, GA Session: 10-S, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,