Amendment to “A Bill Providing for the Election of a Public Binder,” [9 February 1841]1
(Amend by adding the following section)2
Sec[Section]: 3.rd That in case Caleb Birchall and John H. Johnson, with whom a contract for Public Binding has been made according to law, shall file
with the Secretary of State a written acceptance of the provisions of this act ^and enter into into bond according to the provisions of this act^ within ten days after the passage of the same, then their contract shall be vacated and they shall
do all the Public Binding for the state during the continuance in office of the present members of the House of Representatives under the election already held, at the prices in this act provided; but if they
fail [...?] to file such acceptance, this section is to be of no effect—3
1Abraham Lincoln wrote this amendment, but used two different inks. It appears that he wrote the
text in black ink first and added the text in blue ink at a later time.
2 Lincoln offered this amendment to HB 121, which was introduced in the House on January 16, 1841. On December 19, 1840, Lincoln
presented a resolution on expenditures of public printing. After much debate, the House adopted the resolution, referring it to a three-person select committee
that included Lincoln. In response to this resolution, Joseph W. Ormsbee of the select committee introduced HB 121. On February 6, the House referred the bill to another select committee that included
Lincoln. Lincoln from the select committee reported back the bill on February 9 with
this amendment. In the subsequent debate, Lincoln defended said amendment when the House entertained a motion to table it.
The House had said amendment under consideration when it adjourned. On February 10,
the House took up the bill and Lincoln’s amendment, amending Lincoln’s amendment by
adopting an amendment adding an additional section. The House tabled an additional amendment by a vote
of 48 yeas to 37 nays, with Lincoln voting yea. The House adopted Lincoln’s amendment
as amended, passing the bill as amended. On February 24, the Senate referred the bill to the Committee on Elections. The Committee on Elections reported
back the bill on February 26, recommending its rejection, and the Senate indefinitely
postponed further consideration.
Illinois House Journal. 1840. 12th G. A., 137, 235, 255, 262, 343, 355, 357-58, 546; Illinois Senate Journal. 1840. 12th G. A., 291, 393, 411; Sangamo Journal (Springfield, IL), 12 February 1841, 2:7.
3An act approved on January 31, 1840 authorized the auditor of public accounts, secretary
of state, and treasurer to contract for public binding in the September before the
meeting of each General Assembly.
Handwritten Document, 1 page(s), Lincoln Collection, HB 121, GA Session 12-2, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL).