Abraham Lincoln to Blatchford, Seward & Griswold, 19 April 18581
Messrs[Messieurs] Blatchford, Seward & Griswold
New York.
Yours of the 14th enclosing copy of note made by T. J. V. Owen & Bro, in favor of Miller & Holbrook, is received–2 I know the firm of T. J. V. Owen & Bro.[Brother]; and, although they are little pressed, I understand them to be good for all their debts–3
RespectfullyA. Lincoln
[ docketing ]
A Lincoln
April 19/58[1858]4
1Abraham Lincoln wrote and signed this letter.
2Blatchford, Seward & Griswold’s letter to Lincoln has not been located, nor has the copy of the promissory note from T. J. V. Owen & Brother to Miller & Holbrook.
3Blatchford, Seward & Griswold replied to Lincoln on April 23, enclosing the original promissory note and leaving the details of scheduling T. J. V. Owen & Brother’s repayment of the debt in Lincoln’s hands. Lincoln and Blatchford, Seward & Griswold subsequently exchanged at least five more letters related to the subject of this debt. Lincoln advised Blatchford, Seward & Griswold against initiating a lawsuit to resolve the matter, but it is unclear from extant correspondence whether he was able to resolve the debt either in full or in part.
Blatchford, Seward & Griswold to Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln to Blatchford, Seward & Griswold; Blatchford, Seward & Griswold to Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln to Blatchford, Seward & Griswold; Blatchford, Seward & Griswold to Abraham Lincoln.
4An unknown person wrote this docketing. The handwriting matches that in other letters that Blatchford, Seward & Griswold sent to Lincoln.
Blatchford, Seward & Griswold to Abraham Lincoln; Blatchford, Seward & Griswold to Abraham Lincoln; Blatchford, Seward & Griswold to Abraham Lincoln.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Cravath, Swain, & Moore Collection, New York Public Library (New York, NY).