In force Feb. 4, 1837.
AN ACT forming an additional judicial circuit.
Sec.[Section] 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That an additional judicial circuit is hereby created in this State, composed of the counties of Cook, Will, McHenry, Kane, La Salle and Iroquois, which shall be called and known as the seventh judicial circuit.
Approved 4th Feb. 1837.2
1On January 2, 1837, John Dougherty introduced HB 57 in the Illinois House of Representatives. On January 20, the House amended the bill by striking out the words, “Vermilion and Champaign,” both of which remained on the Fourth Judicial Circuit at this time. On January 21, the House passed the bill. On January 30, the Illinois Senate amended the original title, “An act forming an additional Judicial District” by striking out the word “District” and inserting the word, “Circuit.” On January 30, the Senate passed the bill. On February 4, the Illinois Council of Revision approved the bill and the act became law.
Illinois House Journal. 1836. 10th G. A., 1st sess., 156, 229, 301-08, 322, 433, 468, 474, 476, 481. ; Illinois Senate Journal. 1836. 10th G. A., 1st sess., 277, 298, 305, 320, 346, 347.
2Just two years earlier, the legislature had added a sixth judicial circuit, but the rapid development of the state required regular shifting and growing of judicial circuits to accommodate the growing population. In just another two years, the legislature would increase the number of circuits to nine.

Printed Document, 1 page(s), Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Tenth General Assembly (Vandalia, IL: William Walters, 1837), 113, GA Session: 10-1