Sec[Section] 1 Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois represented in the General Assembly That it shall be lawful for the legal voters of the County of Franklin, to meet at the respective places of holding elections in said county on the first Monday inAugustnext and vote for or against the division of said county; and if it shall appear by the returns of the election aforesaid that a majority of all the votes given at said election shall be in favor of the a division, the said county shall be divided ^the said county of franklin shall be divided^;^ and^, the following shall be the boundaries of a new County to wit; beginning at the north east corner of Township eight south, range four east of the third principl[e] meridian, thence west with the said Township line dividing Townsh271101-06.tif 132.4 MiB 7/26/2016 1:29:38 PM ip seven and eight south, to the third principle meridian thence south with the third principle ^meridian^ to the Township line dividing ten and eleven south, thence east with the said Township line to the range line dividing ranges four and five east, thence north with the said range line to the beginning; and which new county, so formed shall be called, Williamson
Sec. 2.
The legal voters of the Counties of Franklin andWilliamsonshall meet at the respective places of holding election on the first Monday in September next and proceed to elect county officers for each of said counties which officers when so elected shall hold their respective offices until the next general election for such officers, and until their successors are elected and qualified; provided however that this section shall not be so construed as to prevent any county commissioner residing within the limits of the said new county from serving out the time for which he was elected; as a commissioner of the said county of Williamson

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Sec 3 The returns for the election of county officers for the County ofWilliamsonshall be made within seven days after the election; to William Norris, James Aikin ^Starling Hill^, and John T. Davis three acting Justices of the peace within said county, who shall meet at the ^town^ house of Bainbridge within ten days from the day of election and proceed to open the returns shall transmit abstracts of said election to the secretary of State, and shall do and perform such duties as are now required by law of Clerks of county commissioners Courts and Justices of the Peace in like cases.
Sec 4 The county commissioners elected under the provisions of this act, shall meet as a court within ten ^ twenty^ days after the said election; ^on the first Monday in September, at the county seat^ at the town of Bainbridge and shall proceed to lay off the county into Justices districts; road districts, appoint supervisors, and do and perform such other duties as may be required of them by law.
Sec 5 It shall be the duty of the school commissioner of the county of Franklin within thirty days after the organization of the said ^new^ county of Williamson to pay over to the school commissioner of the said County ofWilliamsonone half of the entire amount of the school fund received from the state; provided however that if the school commissioner of the county of Franklin shall have loaned out all or a part of the said fund so received, it shall be his duty and he is hereby required to transfer one half of all the ^in^ notes or obligations due to ^one half of the whole amount which is due and payable to the^ said commissioner, together with one half of the amount of money on hand; and provided further that nothing contained in this section shall be so construed as to prevent the school commissioner ofWilliamsonCounty from receiving one half of the county distributive share

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Sec[Section] 4. The county commissioners elected under the provisions of this act, for the county of Williamson shall meet as a court on the first monday in October ^next^ at the county seat, and shall proceed to lay off the county into Justices districts, road districts, appoint supervisors, and do and perform such other duties as may be required of them by law.

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locate the seat of Justice at the center of each county
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of the school fund received by the school commissioner whether the same shall be in promissory notes, or money
Sec 6 The school commissioner of the county of Franklin shall deliver within thirty days after the organization of said County ofWilliamson to deliver to the school commissioners of all the money, books, promissory notes, bonds, mortgages, and papers of every description, belonging to, or in any wise the respective townships within said new county, and for a failure to perform any of the duties required of him by this act the said school commissioner of Franklin county and his securities shall be liable to all damages that the County of Williamson or the inhabitants of any township in said county may sustain by the refusal or neglect of said commissioner.
Sec 7 The clerk of the county commissioners court of the County of Franklin, shall as soon as may be convenient after the organization of the said county ofWilliamsondeliver to the clerk of ^the^ county commissioners of the said new county a list of the taxable property within the limits of said county, and which taxes shall be collected and applied to county purposes within the said county of Williamson
Sec 8 That for the purpose of Locating the seat of Justice of the County of Franklin, John Reed, of Perry county, Noah Johnson, of Jefferson county and Milton Carpenter of Hamilton County, are hereby appointed commissioners, who or a majority of whom shall meet at the town of Frankfort, and after being duly sworn shall proceed to locate said seat of Justice; Calvin Bridges of Union County, Thornsbury C. Anderson of Gallatin County, and Jefferson Allen of Jackson County, are hereby appointed commissioners to permanently locate the seat of Justice for the county ofWilliamsonsaid commissioners shall meet at the town of Bainbridge and after being duly sworn shall
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proceed to locate the seat of Justice for said county. the commissioners appointed by this act shall ^locate the seat of Justice at the center of each county, or at some point the most eligible and nearest, thereto, taking into view^ take into consideration the central position, the convenience of the; the eligibility of the place, together with the advantages to be derived to the community from such location,
Sec 9 If the county seat of each county respectively shall be located on the lands owned by individuals, the commissioners shall require a donation of at least twenty acres of land to be made to each county and on which the Public buildings shall be erected, but if the location shall be made at a town or village, the commissioners shall require at least ten acres of land adjoining the town plat, and a number of ^town^ lots lots, or a donation in money, or both, of sufficient value to amount to twenty acres of land; the town lots to be app appraised by the commissioners, and after the location of the county seats above named shall be made the county commissioners shall with as soon as convenient proceed to the erection of Public Buildings.
Sec 10 The county commissioners court and the circuit court within the countys of Franklin andWilliamsonshall be held at such place within each county as the county commissioners shall designate until public buildings shall be erected, The commissioners appointed to locate the seats of Justice respectively shall meet on the third Monday in August next or as soon thereafter as may be convenient, and shall each receive the sum ofthreedollars per day for each day necessarily employed by them in the location of the same, which compensation shall be made out of the county treasury of each county respectively.

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proceed to locate the seat of Justice for said county; the commissioners appointed by this act shall locate the seat of Justice at the centre of each county or at some point the most eligible and nearest thereto; taking into view the convenience of the place, together with the advantage to be derived to the county from such location.

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Sec 11 It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the County commissioners court, of the county of Franklin, at the time of giving notice to the Judges of election, previous to the election to be held on the first Monday in August next, to insert in such notice that a vote will be taken for, and against the division of said County; and directing them to open columns in their poll books to receive said votes and the legal voters of said county shall vote for or against the division of the county

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[ docketing ]
H R No 240
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[ docketing ]
A Bill for an act to establish the County of Williamson
[ docketing ]
to be Engrossed.
Clk. H. R.

Handwritten Document, 13 page(s), Folder 234, HB 288, GA Session 11-1, Illinois State Archives (Springfield)