Dr.[Debitor] Edwin Porter & Co Mail Contractors in a/c[account] with the U. S. Cr[Creditor]
1834 By Transportation of the
mail from Richmond to
Petersburg one half at $568
per q[quarter]. Oct[October] 1, '34 to Janr[January] 1. '35
284 "
Nov[November] 9 To this sum paid by Dan’l
Bryan PM[Postmaster] Alexandria DC
to James Chatham for carrying
the mail from Alexandria to
Washington July 13, 1834
4 " Staunton to Lewisburg Va
Lewisburg to Guyandotte 1805 "
1835 Guyandotte to Cincinnati
Oct 1, '34 to Jan’y 1. '35.
500 "
Jany 1 Balance from old a/c 5,748 21 Additional trip to Cini—&
extending the mail to Louisville
Do.[Ditto] to Do.
" 10 Dft[Draft] No 3113 in favor W. A Bradley 10.000 " Richmond to Charlottsville 1.165 "
" " Dft No 3126 to order 10.000 " 3 additional trips per week
Oct 1. '34 to Jany 1. '35
625 "
Apl[April] 10 * Df’t No 3633 to order 10.000 " Washington City to Richmond 2.706 "
May 18 Df’t " 3834 in fav[favor] of W. A. Bradley 2,000 " Harrisburg to Jenning’s Gap 25 "
June 20 Df’t " 4034 in fav of D. Saltmarsh 5,225 " Fifes to Scotts Ferry
Oct 1. '34 to Jan’y 1. '35
250 " ^8.576.^
" 20* Df’t on W. D Stone L. P. M. Mobile
dated Aug[August] 1. 1833 Accepted Oct 1. 33
4,500 " Callahans to Covington 10 "
" 30 Failure on route No 1901 viz
Jan’y 9. Feb 6, Mar. 2. June 2.
July 3, Aug 3. Oct 6. Nov[November] 2. and
Dec[December] 13. 1833.
$400 " Extension to Lexington from
Oct 1. to Jan’y 1. 1835
100 "
and for one half of the
failures on route 1902
Jany 13. Feb 1, Apl 1. May 3.
June 1, July 1. & Dec 4. 1833
amounting to $300.
150. Mobile to New Orleans Oct 1.
34 to Dec 31. '35 5 qrs[quarters] at $6.250
per q
31.250 "
550 " Jany 14 Cash deposited in the Bank
of Metropolis DC
10,000 "
" 30

Failures on route No 197. viz
Jan 11,—Feb 4—Mar 6. Apl 22 . ^32.^
May 12, June 7. July 18. Aug 15.
Sep 26. Oct 11. Nov 4. & Dec 4
6.684 " Apl 15 " Cash deposd in the Bank of
Metropolis DC
10.000 "
Oct 3 Check No 267 in favor of W. A.
5000 " " Cincinnati to Louisville
Jan’y 1, to June 30. '35 2 qrs
by Steam boat at $1250 per q
2,500 "
1836 Sep 25 Cash deposd[deposited] in the Bank of
Metropolis DC
2000 '
Jan 4 " Check No 1148 in favor W. A
5000 " 1836
Sep 30 Fine 3d qr 1836 Rd. 1966. 10 " Mar[March] 31 " W. W. Tennant short paymt[payment]
on dft Jany 1 .34. No 1901 for
13 55
Balance 2,012 34 Route
" Columbia to Brookville Va.
Jany 1, '35 to Dec 31, '38 16 qr
one half at $250. per qr. is
$125. (Stockton & Porter)
2000 "
$66.733 55 $66.733 55
By Balance $2.012 34
Those marked with stars
are disputed items.

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[ docketing ]
[ docketing ]
Edwin Porter & Co
Mail Contrs.
By Bal[Balance] $2.012.34.

<Page 3>
[ docketing ]
July 24th Bradley
[ docketing ]
[?] 24th
Wm A Bradleyor Dr P BradleyWashington City
1This document was included in the papers of the Committee on Post Offices and Postal Roads in the 30th Congress, of which Abraham Lincoln was a member.

Handwritten Document, 3 page(s), RG 233, Entry 367: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Thirtieth Congress, 1847-1849, Records of Legislative Proceedings, Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to Committees, 1847-1849, NAB,