I am directed by the Post Master General to inform you that it appears upon an examination of your account charging you with the sum of $4,500., the amount of the draft of W. D. Stone, late P. M. at Mobile, Ala. accepted by you on the 1st day of October 1833, and the sum of $6,834., for deductions from your mail pay heretofore ordered, there will not be a balance due to you on the 13th July next with which to pay your draft for $10,000., due on that day.
The Post Master General will agree to renew the said draft with the usual condition until such time as your mail pay hereafter to accrue will be sufficient to discharge it.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt[Obedient Servant]
P S Loughborough
Edwin Porter Esq.[Esquire]Mail Contractor,Washington City.
<Page 2>
JUN[June] 30
Edwin Porter EsqWashington City ^Cincinnati^D.C. ^Ohio^
[ docketing ]
SR Hobb
[ docketing ]
P. S. Louthboroughs
Letter June 27th 1835
[ docketing ]
Stone was sued by Dept for this money and where it was [found?] a bad debt it was charged in Porter[]s account
1This document was included in the papers of the Committee on Post Offices and Postal Roads in the 30th Congress, of which Abraham Lincoln was a member.

Handwritten Letter Signed, 2 page(s), RG 233, Entry 367: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Thirtieth Congress, 1847-1849, Records of Legislative Proceedings, Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to Committees, 1847-1849, NAB