1P. S. Loughborough Esq[Esquire]TreasurerP.O. DepartmentSir
three months from date please pay to my own order Ten thousand dollars Value received at the Metropolis Bank and charge the same to my ofc for Transportation
Your obt Sevt[Obedient Servant]Edwin Porter
$10.000 dolls
W. A. Brodley EsqMy [?]
this mornings mail brot me the letter from the P. O. Department, enclosing your note to me
I am much at a loss how to act in regard to the Dfts[Drafts]—in their letter they hold me bound to them for my acceptance of Stones Dft[Draft] (also for the fines in all 11.334 dolls) & in the same letter they decline paying my Dft on them for 10.000 due on the 13th inst & accepted by [then?] Treasure unconditionally—now I ask what aught I to do—? If I am bound for my acceptance,—are they not equally bound for [their?]? & aught I not to let the Dft be protested
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Edwin Porter
that the Bank look to them for payment? & If so—is it policy under all the Circumstances to quarrel with them—True, they Cannot hurt me, for I have now no Control in my Name, accept the New Orleans—to the end of that Contract—there will not be [due?] more
than $12.500 If
as much—on the other hand, they hold me for Stones Dft 4,500
fines 6.834
my dft on them & Dft now due 10.000
making— 21.334
I have been this particular that you may be the better able
<Page 3>
able to judge how I aught to act—but to enable you to do as you my judge best, I enclose another Dft for 10.000—which If you think best to renew under all the circumstances—you can do so—Please consult your Father on this subject—who has been kind enough to assist me in this matter before, & do as you would, If it was your own. I have sold to Stroder our Ohio interest—not for what it is worth, but for all it would bring—there is a strong opposition getting up against us ^from here to Louisville,^ & one already from here to the white sulphur sp[a?] So that purchasers, or rather those who would be glad to hold stock, can [afford?] to purchase—on the whole I think it a good sale—much as you sold to Stroder some months since, I hope to be at home by the 27th and excuse this long letter
[&?] beleave me Truly Yours . . .Edwin Porter
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JUL[July] 7
Paid 25
William A. Bradley Esq or Doct P. Brodley Washington City
[ docketing ]
E Porter to Wm A Bradley Esq Resp[ecting?] the $10.000 Draft & Stones Draft & fines
1This document was included in the papers of the Committee on Post Offices and Postal Roads in the 30th Congress, of which Abraham Lincoln was a member.

Autograph Letter Signed, 4 page(s), RG 233, Entry 367: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Thirtieth Congress, 1847-1849, Records of Legislative Proceedings, Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to Committees, 1847-1849, NAB