Petition of Reuben Brown and Others to the Macon County Commissioners' Court, 26 May 1830 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Petition of Hiram Watson and Others to the Sangamon County Commissioners' Court, 11 March 1831 (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill concerning Schuyler County, [15 December 1835] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill for the Organization of the County of Van Buren, [21 December 1836] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Report of Select Committee on A Bill for the Organization of the County of Van Buren, 21 December 1836 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Summary of Legislative Debate regarding “A Bill for the Organization of the County of Van Buren,” 21 December 1836 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Summary of Legislative Debate regarding “A Bill for the Organization of the County of Van Buren,” 21 December 1836 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill for the Organization of the County of Van Buren, [23 December 1836] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill for the Organization of the County of Van Buren, 24 December 1836 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Report of Select Committee regarding the Division of Sangamon County, [13 February 1837] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill to Establish the Counties of Menard, Logan, and Dane, 21 January 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Edward D. Baker to William Butler, 26 January 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to William Butler, 26 January 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to William Butler, 1 February 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill to Establish the Counties of Menard, Logan, and Dane, [6 February 1839] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill to Establish the Counties of Menard, Logan, and Dane, [6 February 1839] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill Supplemental to An Act to Establish the Counties of Menard, Logan, and Dane, 20 February 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to William Butler, 23 February 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill to Authorize the Collector of --- County to Collect Taxes, [10 December 1839] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill Legalizing the Survey and Plat of the Town of Mount Auburn in the County of Dane, [15 January 1840] (Legislative Digital Edition)