Caleb B. Smith and Others to Robert E. Horner, 9 December 18471
Mr R. E. Horner Esqr[Esquire] Door Keeper of House of Reps
I understand that Mr Abram O. Bowen of Missouri who has been for some time Fireman of the House was the first person appointed to that place & that he was not used as an instrument of proscription to any other person.
Mr Bowen is gentlemanly & courteous in his deportment & I believe discharges his duties faithfully. I should be pleased to see him retained & recommend him to your consideration.2
Caleb B Smith
Charles Hudson
A. Lincoln
W Miller L. C. Levin
John Strohm Jno Pendleton
Wm A Newell J E Edsall J R Ingersoll
D. S. Gregory Danl P King
John Van Dyke Wm L. Dayton
[ endorsement ]
I take pleasure in recommendend[recommending] Mr Bowen3
B G ThibodauxJ. G. Hampton
<Page 2>
R. E. Horner Esq[Esquire]Door KeeperHo of Reps[House of Representatives]
1Caleb B. Smith wrote the petition. Abraham Lincoln signed his own name only.
2At the time of his death in 1886, the House of Representatives described Abram O. Bowen as a “late employee” of the House, and directed the Clerk of the House to pay to Bowen’s legal representatives six months’ salary and up to $250 of Bowen’s funeral expenses.
Accept Lewis C. Levin and Joseph E. Edsall, who were members of the American and Democratic parties, respectively, all the signers were members of the Whig Party.
U.S. House Journal 1886. 49th Cong., 2nd sess., 838; Kenneth C. Martis, The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress, 1789-1989 (New York: MacMillan, 1989), 100.
3Bannon G. Thibodeaux wrote this endorsement and signed his name. James G. Hampton signed his name.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Lincoln Manuscripts, Lilly Library, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN).