Abraham Lincoln to Willie P. Mangum, 4 June 18491
Hon: Willie P. Mangum:Dear Sir:
I understand the President has determined to give the General Land Office to Illinois; and if you would quite ^as^ soon I should have it as any other Illinoian,2 I shall be grateful if you will write write me to that effect at Washington, where I expect to be soon–3
A private despach from thence, tells me the appointment has been postponed three weeks from the first Inst for my benefit–4 No time to lose–5
Your Obt Servt[Obedient Servant]A. Lincoln
2Justin H. Butterfield, James L. D. Morrison, and Cyrus Edwards were vying to become commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office. Lincoln entered the competition after learning that Butterfield was favored over Morrison and Edwards. See the General Land Office Affair.
3As competition for the job intensified, William H. Henderson and Josiah M. Lucas, Lincoln supporters living in Washington, DC, urged Lincoln to come to the nation’s capital to personally lobby for the position. On June 9, Butterfield wrote Lincoln suggesting that neither go to Washington. Lincoln did not respond to this suggestion, and on June 10, both set out for the capital. Lincoln arrived on or before June 19.
4The telegraphic dispatch Lincoln refers to has not been located.
5No response from Willie P. Mangum has been located. Ultimately, neither Morrison, Edwards, nor Lincoln received the appointment; the job went to Butterfield instead. See the General Land Office Affair.

Copy of Autograph Letter Signed, 1 page(s). Abraham Lincoln Association Files, Lincoln Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (Springfield, IL).