Summary of Speech at Tremont, Illinois, 30 August 18581
2000 Persons Present!
Yesterday (Monday) was a proud day for the Republicans in old Tazewell County, who
met in mass meeting at Tremont for the purpose of listening to speeches from Abram Lincoln and Judge Kellogg.2 At an early hour in the morning delegations, bearing appropriate banners, commenced
pouring into town from the various towns surrounding, and by noon a large concourse of people, numbering
at least 2000 persons, was on the ground.
At 10 o’clock the County Convention assembled in the old Court House. Every town
in the county was fully represented, and the very best feeling prevailed. The nomination of a candidate
for Representative was made by acclimation, and R. N. Cullom received it with a hearty aye, and upon being called upon, that gentleman stepped
forward and accepted the nomination tendered him in a short but exceedingly appropriate
speech. Mr. Cullom is a brother of Gen. Cullom of Tennessee, late clerk of the House of Representatives at Washington. He is an old line Whig, a man of considerable ability and much good sense, is very popular with all parties,
is devoted to the election of Mr Lincoln to the Senate of the United States, and the nomination is the most fortunate one that could have
been made. His election may be counted upon with absolute certainty.3 After Mr. Cullom’s nomination, the committee proceeded to ballot for candidates for
Sheriff and Coroner. Thos. C. Reeves of Pekin was nominated for the former office,4 and A. W. Glasgow for the latter.5 The convention then broke up with nine rousing cheers for Abe Lincoln, and three
more for its candidates.
At half past one o’clock Mr. Lincoln was escorted to the steps in front of the Court
House by a delegation of gentlemen headed by a band of music. He was introduced to
the audience by John A. Jones, President of the meeting, and spoke for about two hours. We need not add that his
speech was an excellent one, and was received with intense interest by the audience.
Mr. Lincoln is perfectly at home in old Tazewell. He has many personal and political
friends in that county, and he was eagerly listened to. About one-half of his time
was pleasantly and we can but think profitably occupied in talking familiarly and
often eloquently to his old Whig friends. He went through with a rapid account of
the times when he had advocated the doctrines of the Whig party in Tazewell county
during the successive campaigns of 1840-44-48 and 52, and alluded to the fact that he had often met Douglas upon the very steps upon which he was speaking, before as now to oppose his political
doctrines.—6 He then entered into a comparison of the principles of the Whig party as expounded
by its great leader, Henry Clay, and those of the Republican party of the present day, showing that there was no
difference.7 He then remarked that he was opposing slavery on account of the new aspect in which
it was being placed by its upholders, and then branched out with a comprehensive view
of the great issues involved in this canvass.
When Mr. Lincoln had finished, Judge Kellogg took the stand and made an effective
and powerful speech, in which he went rapidly over the ground of the controversy,
and held the Douglas party up in its true light. His speech was loudly applauded, and none of his points were
lost upon the audience.
The meeting broke up about 5 o’clock amid great enthusiasm. Our friends in old Tazewell
are confident of victory, and after spending a day with them and witnessing the feeling
which prevails, we confess that we are highly gratified at the prospect there. Tazewell
county may be set down as entirely safe. Cullom will be elected by 600 majority.
1The Peoria Daily Transcript printed this summary of a speech by Abraham Lincoln in its August 31, 1858 edition.
Another version, reprinted from this version, appeared in the Chicago Daily Press and Tribune. No manuscript version in Lincoln’s hand has been located.
Lincoln was at this time running against incumbent Democrat Stephen A. Douglas to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate, having been nominated at the 1858 Illinois Republican Convention in June. With the Republican Party dominating the northern part of Illinois, and
the Democratic Party stronger in the southern part of the state, Lincoln and Douglas
both focused their campaign efforts on the former Whig stronghold of central Illinois
where the electoral outcome was less certain. See 1858 Federal Election.
Lincoln was in Pekin en route to Tremont on the day preceding this speech, and after
this appearance in Tremont on August 30, he arrived in Carlinville by train the following day, where he gave another speech.
Michael Burlingame, Abraham Lincoln: A Life (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008), 1:457-58, 476-77; Allen C.
Guelzo, “Houses Divided: Lincoln, Douglas, and the Political Landscape of 1858,” The Journal of American History 94 (September 2007), 392-94, 400-401; The Lincoln Log: A Daily Chronology of the Life of Abraham Lincoln, 29 August 1858,; 30 August 1858,; 31 August 1858,
2Lincoln’s fellow Republican William Kellogg was the incumbent member of the U.S. House
of Representatives in the Fourth Congressional District of Illinois, which included
Tazewell County. He ultimately garnered 52.8 percent of the vote in 1858 and defeated
Douglas Democrat James W. Davidson, who received 45.7 percent. Although Kellogg won the election, Davidson outperformed
him in Tazewell County.
Howard W. Allen and Vincent A. Lacey, eds., Illinois Elections, 1818-1990 (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1992), 10, 11,
3Tazewell County constituted the Thirty-Ninth Illinois House of Representatives District. In the election of 1858, Republican candidate Richard N. Cullom received
1,783 votes and lost to Douglas Democrat Robert B. M. Wilson, who earned 1,955 votes.
Because the Illinois General Assembly elected the state’s representatives in the U.S. Senate at this time, the races for
the Illinois House of Representatives and Illinois Senate were important to Lincoln’s campaign. Lincoln and Douglas both focused their campaign
efforts on the former Whig stronghold of central Illinois, where the state legislative
races were the closest. Wilson voted for Douglas for U.S. Senate in the election of
1858, as did Samuel W. Fuller, the Democratic Illinois state senator for Tazewell County who held over in the
election of 1858.
John Clayton, comp., The Illinois Fact Book and Historical Almanac 1673-1968 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970), 220, 222; Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 1 November 1858, 2:4; 5 November 1858, 1:3; The Weekly Chicago Times (IL), 11 November 1858, 2:5; Allen C. Guelzo, “Houses Divided: Lincoln, Douglas,
and the Political Landscape of 1858,” 392-99, 400-401; Illinois House Journal. 1859. 21st G. A., 32; The Biographical Encyclopedia of Illinois of the Nineteenth Century (Philadelphia: Galaxy, 1875), 481-82.
4Thomas C. Reeves won the race for sheriff in Tazewell County in 1858 and served until
1860. John Griffith was nominated as the Douglas Democrat candidate for the office
on August 28, 1858. In the published election returns for the race, candidate names
were omitted, but the winner, Reeves, received 2,000 votes, while his unnamed opponent
earned 1,735.
History of Tazewell County Illinois (Chicago: Chas. C. Chapman, 1879), 713; The Daily Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL), 6 September 1858, 2:5; The Weekly Chicago Times (IL), 11 November 1858, 2:5.
5A. W. Glasgow has not been identified. This may be a misidentification of John W. Glassgow of Pekin. Douglas Democrat William A. Tinney won reelection as coroner of Tazewell County in 1858. In the published election returns
for the race, candidate names were omitted, but the winner, Tinney, was reported to
have beaten the unnamed Republican candidate by a vote of 1,8531 to 1,781.
The Daily Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL), 6 September 1858, 2:5; History of Tazewell County Illinois, 713; The Weekly Chicago Times (IL), 11 November 1858, 2:5.
6Lincoln’s known campaign appearances in Tazewell County on behalf of the Whig Party
during the elections in the years listed include debates with Douglas in Tremont in
May 1840, speeches in unspecified Tazewell County locations in April 1844, speeches
in Washington, Tremont, and Pekin on November 2, 3, and 4, 1848, successively, and a speech in
Pekin on September 20, 1852.
The Lincoln Log: A Daily Chronology of the Life of Abraham Lincoln, 2 May 1840,; 4 May 1840,; 3 April 1844,; 8 April 1844,; 2 November 1848,; 3 November 1848,; 4 November 1848,; 20 September 1852,
7For published reports of additional 1858 campaign speeches from around this time in
which Lincoln’s explanations of how the political principles of Henry Clay were similar
to the platform of the Republican Party were reported more fully, see Report of Speech at Lewistown, Illinois, Summary of Speech at Augusta, Illinois, Report of Speech at Bloomington, Illinois, and Report of Speech at Edwardsville, Illinois.
Copy of Printed Document, 1 page(s), Peoria Daily Transcript, (Peoria, IL), 31 August 1858, 1:1.