Report of Legislative Proceeding regarding Postal Contracts, 5 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Report of Legislative Proceedings regarding Postal Contracts, 6 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Samuel Smith and Others to Cave Johnson and U.S. Congress, 17 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Nathan M. Knapp and Others to U.S. Congress, [25 January 1848] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of John Rogers and Others to U.S. Congress, [14 February 1848] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Justin Butterfield to Abraham Lincoln, 27 February 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
A Bill to Establish Certain Post Routes, 29 February 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to Richard S. Thomas, 1 March 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Amendments to A Bill to Establish Certain Post Routes, 16 May 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill to Establish Certain Post Routes, [29 February 1848 - 14 June 1848] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of R. C. Cowden and Others to U.S. Congress, 20 December 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of William C. Greenleaf and Others to U.S. Congress, 20 January 1849 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of R. W. Burton and Others to U.S. Congress, [29 January 1849] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of A. H. H. Perkins and Others to U.S. Congress, [1 February 1849] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Ezekiel Bowman and Others to U.S. Congress, [13 February 1849] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Joint Resolution of Illinois General Assembly to Abraham Lincoln, 19 February 1849 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Nelson Bates and Others to Orlando B. Ficklin and Abraham Lincoln, [1847-1849] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of D. P. Burns and Others to Orlando B. Ficklin and Abraham Lincoln, [6 December 1847 - 3 March 1849] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to Unknown, [1848-1849] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to William Martin, 19 February 1851 (Campaign Digital Edition)