Account of William Odam to James Rutledge, [1831] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Charles James Fox Clarke to Hollis Joseph Clarke, 15 March 1835 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Speech of Mr. Lincoln, at a Political Discussion, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, December 1839, at Springfield, Illinois, [26] December 1839 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Petition of Nathaniel Niles and Others to Sidney Breese and Others, [8 January 1844] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Leander Munsell to Abraham Lincoln, 23 April 1846 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Report of Legislative Proceeding regarding Postal Contracts, 5 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Report of Legislative Proceedings regarding Postal Contracts, 6 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Samuel Smith and Others to Cave Johnson and U.S. Congress, 17 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Report on the Petition of William Fuller and Orlando Saltmarsh, 19 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Report on the Petition of William Fuller and Orlando Saltmarsh, 19 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to Jonathan R. Diller, 19 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Daniel Wadsworth to Abraham Lincoln, 25 January 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Nathan M. Knapp and Others to U.S. Congress, [25 January 1848] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of Thomas L. Matthews and Others to U.S. Congress, [7 February 1848] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Petition of James Nevill and Others to U.S. Congress, [18 February 1848] (Congressional Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to Richard S. Thomas, 1 March 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
George W. Dole to Abraham Lincoln, 30 March 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley, 27 June 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Report of Legislative Proceeding regarding a Bill to Establish Certain Post Routes, 19 July 1848 (Congressional Digital Edition)
Cave Johnson to Abraham Lincoln, 15 January 1849 (Congressional Digital Edition)