Petition of T. J. Nance and Others to Illinois General Assembly, November 18381
To the Hon. the Legislature of the State of Illinois
Whereas, By an Act of the Legislature of Ills. at a former Session a State Road,2 to lead from Wm. Crow’s in Morgan Co. to Musick’s Bridge in Sangamon Co. was ordered to be laid out & opened— The road was accordingly reviewed— its location was nearly universally unsatisfactory to the people in the vicinity of the route—at a subsequent session, this dissatisfaction was made known to your Body by forwarding a petition requesting a second location; this second call was not attended to as was contemplated by the Legislature— So that, at present the existence of said Road is ^a^ subject of dispute & discontent— The undersigned citizens of sangamo Co. do therefore Respectfully Petition that the Legislature declare all Acts in relation to said Road null & void; & hereafter leave the issue with the County Court of Sangamon and the people, to whom its settlement more property Belongs— And your Petitioners as in duty Bound will ever pray &c.3
Names of Petitioners— names of Petitioners—
T. J. Nance Miles Stevenson
James Goldsby Wm Batterton
William Irwin Solomon Miller
John Pemberton Thomas Peake
Milton Stevenson Thos Morgan
Reuben Harrison William T H Duncan
Geo M Davidson Reuben Buchanan
John Harrison Richard Walker
William Yoakum Thos [Farake?]
Enos Osburn John P Phillips
Thomas Mosteller John Tolley
Christopher Mosteller Jas Tolley
Henry Shepherd Valentine Crite
George Davis Thomas [Sparnhower?]
Henry Antle Marshal T Duncan
Andrew Antle Marshal Duncan
George Goodman John Davis

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A. Lincoln Vandalia
1On January 7, 1839, Abraham Lincoln in the House of Representatives presented this petition and two others, one signed by sixty citizens and another signed by fifty-six citizens, all from Sangamon County, requesting the repeal of all laws related to a state road from William Crow,’s in Morgan county, to Musick’s Bridge in Sangamon County. The House referred the petitions to a three-person select committee that included Lincoln. In response to these petitions, Lincoln of the aforesaid select committee introduced HB 127 in the House on January 11. The House passed the bill on February 5. On February 14, the Senate refused to order the bill to a third reading.
Illinois House Journal. 1838. 11th G. A., 1st sess., 177, 197, 265, 277, 350, 402; Illinois Senate Journal. 1838. 11th G. A., 1st sess., 284, 328, 334.
2State roads were those public roads established or designated by the General Assembly and usually crossed county lines. Only the General Assembly could establish, alter, or abandon state roads, until 1840 and 1841, when the General Assembly gave counties the authority to alter or to abandon state roads upon petition by a majority of voters in the area of the change.
3In February 1835, the General Assembly passed the first act to lay out the state road. In December 1835, Lincoln introduced and the legislature passed a bill calling for the re-location of the road. In July 1837, Lincoln introduced and the General Assembly approved another bill re-locating the road.

Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 100, HB 127, GA Session 11-1, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL).